480000L GRP FRP Sectional Panel Tank 12m x 12m x 4mH
YT GRP/FRP Sectional Panel Tanks are certified under Research Institute of Malaysia ( SIRIM ) according to SS 245:1995 as spefies requirement for Glass Reinforced Polyester Section Water tank, called FRP which also know as FRP Sectional Water Tank.
YT GRP/FRP panel manufactured from combination of (1) unsaturated polyester resin with reinforced with (2) E-Class Chopped Stranded Mat and (3) E-Glass Woven Roving. All material comply to BS 3532, BS 3496, BS3479. Under the scheme of supervision and quality control specified by SIRIM, YT GRP/FRP Sectional Panel comply to :- (i) Confirmed to be non-toxic, odourless and is save for portable water storage designated for human comsuption; (ii) Modular that you can create the required capacity freely depending on the volume of water required and space available; (iii) Assembled by connecting independent angular panel with bolts and reinforced by external & internal bracing; (iv) several times lighter than steel panel (v) Vigorously designed to withstand both hydrostatic and dynamic water pressure exceeds six times it rated capacity; (iv) rust free, a factor which greatly improves sanitation, composite plastics which non-corrodable properties greatly extend the life span of the tank and minimise maintenance.
YT FRP/GRP section panel provide extensive guarantee on the tank.
Concrete plinth support are to be provide and ready by customer at site. The width of concrete plinth 300mm x 500mm Height. Steel skid Base is supply by YT Fiberglass.
SIRIM Certificate is available for this product, you may have it download from the below.
GRP/FRP Sectional Panel Water Tank is a solution to store portable water is commodity and widely use in the residential, commercial, industrial and public work sector. YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn bhd Sectional Panel Tanks manufactured YT GRP/FRP panels by contact molding to ensure panels are completely cured dimensionally accurate, uniformly strong durability and consistents under all weather condition and without any adding of filling comparing to Sheet Molding Compound (SMC ) panel tank. The standard are Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) Certified YT’s Panel Tank according to SS 245: 1995 as specified requirement for Glass Reinforced Polyester Section Water Tank called GRP sometime termed FRP Sectional Water Tank. Top quality material YT GRP/FRP panels manufactured are combination of unsaturated polyester resin meets the requirement of BS 3496specification with reinforced with E-Class Type Chopped Strand Mat confirm to BS3749 specification and E-Class type Woven confirm to BS 3749 specification. Under the scheme of supervision and quality control specified by SIRIM, YT GRP/FRP panels are scrutinised and tested to meet its performance as Confirmed to be non-toxic, odorless and is save for portable water storage designated for human consumption, Panel are coated with UV stabilized polyester resin. Completely rust free, a factor which greatly improves sanitation. Its noncorrodible properties greatly extend the life spanof the tank and minimise maintenance. Vigorously designed to withstand both hydrostatic and dynamic water pressure exceeds six times its rated capacity. Several times lighter than steel panel. YT GRP/FRP water tanks support by dedicated network of dealers throughout Malaysia, assisted by YT Fibreglass Industries Sdn. Bhd. sales and customer services. Our trained service and installation teams ensure proper installation and maintenance. YT Fibreglass Industries Sdn. Bhd. provides and extensive guarantee on YT GRP/FRP sectional water tank is manufactured premium gradematerial and high quality control warranty of ten years warranty apply from the date of handing over. And warranty of one year on installation against leakage from the date of complete tank installation. This guarantee does not include defects arising from improper use of the water storage tank, unauthorised repair, vandalism, failure of foundation support and other external abuses.
For more panel tank details refer to our Catalog.
Tangki Air Panel Keratan GRP/FRP ialah penyelesaian untuk menyimpan air mudah alih merupakan komoditi dan digunakan secara meluas dalam sektor kediaman, komersial, perindustrian dan kerja awam. Tangki Panel Keratan YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn bhd mengeluarkan panel YT GRP/FRP melalui pengacuan sesentuh untuk memastikan panel diawet sepenuhnya dari segi dimensi, ketahanan kukuh seragam dan konsisten di bawah semua keadaan cuaca dan tanpa sebarang penambahan isian berbanding panel Kompaun Pengacuan Lembaran (SMC). tangki. Piawaian tersebut ialah Tangki Panel YT Berperakui Institut Penyelidikan Perindustrian Malaysia (SIRIM) mengikut SS 245: 1995 sebagai keperluan yang ditetapkan untuk Tangki Air Bahagian Poliester Bertetulang Kaca yang dipanggil GRP kadangkala dipanggil Tangki Air Keratan FRP. Bahan berkualiti tinggi Panel YT GRP/FRP yang dihasilkan adalah gabungan resin poliester tak tepu yang memenuhi keperluan spesifikasi BS 3496 dengan diperkukuh dengan Tikar Strand Cincang Jenis E-Class mengesahkan kepada spesifikasi BS3749 dan jenis E-Class Woven mengesahkan kepada spesifikasi BS 3749. Di bawah skim penyeliaan dan kawalan kualiti yang ditentukan oleh SIRIM, panel YT GRP/FRP diteliti dan diuji untuk memenuhi prestasinya sebagai Disahkan sebagai tidak toksik, tidak berbau dan disimpan untuk simpanan air mudah alih yang ditetapkan untuk kegunaan manusia, Panel disalut dengan resin poliester yang distabilkan UV. Bebas karat sepenuhnya, satu faktor yang sangat meningkatkan kebersihan. Sifatnya yang tidak boleh terkakis memanjangkan jangka hayat tangki dan meminimumkan penyelenggaraan. Direka dengan cergas untuk menahan tekanan air hidrostatik dan dinamik melebihi enam kali ganda kapasiti terkadarnya. Beberapa kali lebih ringan daripada panel keluli. Tangki air YT GRP/FRP disokong oleh rangkaian pengedar khusus di seluruh Malaysia, dibantu oleh YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn. Bhd. jualan dan perkhidmatan pelanggan. Pasukan perkhidmatan dan pemasangan kami yang terlatih memastikan pemasangan dan penyelenggaraan yang betul. YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn. Bhd. menyediakan dan jaminan yang meluas ke atas tangki air keratan YT GRP/FRP dihasilkan bahan gred premium dan jaminan kawalan kualiti tinggi selama sepuluh tahun waranti terpakai dari tarikh penyerahan. Dan waranti selama satu tahun pada pemasangan terhadap kebocoran dari tarikh pemasangan tangki lengkap. Jaminan ini tidak termasuk kecacatan yang timbul daripada penggunaan tangki simpanan air yang tidak betul, pembaikan tanpa kebenaran, vandalisme, kegagalan sokongan asas dan penyalahgunaan luaran yang lain.
Untuk lebih banyak butiran tangki panel rujuk Katalog kami.
Fiberglass Sectional Panel Water
Material : Fiberglass
Tank Height : 1.0m,1.5m, 2.0m , 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m , 4m
Capacity (meter cube): 1m3 to 400m3
Capacity (Liter) : 1000L to 400,000L
Panel size : 1m x 1m ; 1m x 1.5m or 1m x 2m
Other accessories:
Internal Reinforcement : Stainless Steel SS 304 Bolts, Nuts, Washer,Tie Rod, Frame Angle, Bracing, Roof Support.
External Accessories : internal ladder, External ladder, level indicator, Air Vent
WaterTightness Acessories: EDPM Sponge Sealant & black Mastic Tape,
Air Panel Keratan Gentian Kaca
Bahan: Gentian kaca
Ketinggian Tangki : 1.0m, 1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m
Kapasiti (meter kubus): 1m3 hingga 400m3
Kapasiti (Liter): 1000L hingga 400,000L
Saiz panel : 1m x 1m ; 1m x 1.5m atau 1m x 2m
Aksesori lain:
Tetulang Dalaman : Keluli Tahan Karat SS 304 Bolt, Nat, Pencuci, Batang Pengikat, Sudut Bingkai, Pendakap, Sokongan Bumbung.
Aksesori Luaran : tangga dalaman, Tangga luar, penunjuk aras, Bolong Udara
Aksesori Kedap Air: Pengedap Span EDPM & Pita Mastic hitam,
Water level indicator-transparent Tubing with red ping pong ball,
Access manhole cover
External cat ladder
100mm diameter vent pipe complete with wire mesh,
25mm diameter warning pipe
100mm diameter combined overflow and scour pipe, discharge to nerast floor trap pipe
Pilot operating valve,
Approved sensor
Steel skid base,
All accessories and fitting of approved manufacturer to JBA Local water authority approval,
Hoisted and place in accordance to manufacturer’s instruction