FRP Sectional Panel Roof Panel 2M x 1M
Size : 2m x 1m
SIRIM Certificate is available for this product, you may have it download from the below.
Product : GRP/FRP Sectional Panel Water Tank
Brand : YT
Manufacturer : YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Product Certification : GLASS-FIBRE REINFORCED POLYESTER (GRP) SECTIONAL WATER TANKS - Malaysia Standard MS 1390:2010
Certification Body : SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd., SPAN Suruhan Jaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
SPAN Product : Storage Cistern/Tank - FRP water tank - Sectional
Scope of Supply : Supply, Deliver & Install of GRP/FRP Sectional Panel Tank (installation by approved sub-contractor)
Other accessories :
- Mild Steel Skid Base & Air vent;
- Internal & External Aluminium Ladder;
- FRP Water Level Indication
Excluding Scope of Supply :
- Dismantling of existing tank,
- Security of goods at site
- Unloading and hoisting of goods at site
- Buyer to supply sufficient water for leakage test after installation
- Disposing debris & rubbish, including the material
- Pipe work, valve, ball valve
- Concrete plinth at site
Kindly contact us via email ( or WhatsApp (+60126257219) on projects to quote. Necessary information required in order to propose the right size and capacity:-
- Expected capacity of water storage (eg. 30m3)
- Maximum height (if underground limited height)
- Allocation of area
Produk : Tangki Air Panel GRP/FRP
Jenama : YT
Pengeluar : YT Fiberglass Industries Sdn. Bhd.
Pensijilan Produk : TANGKI AIR SEKSYEN POLIESTER (GRP) BERTETULANG KACA - Standard Malaysia MS 1390:2010
Badan Pensijilan : SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd., SPAN Suruhan Jaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
Produk SPAN : Tangki Penyimpanan/Tangki – Tangki Air FRP - Sectional
Skop Pembekalan : Membekal, Menghantar dan Memasang Tangki Panel GRP/FRP (pemasangan oleh sub-kontractor yang diluluskan)
Aksesori yang lain :
- Tapak Skid Keluli Lembut & Saluran Udara;
- Tangga Aluminium Dalaman & Luaran;
- Petunjuk Aras Air FRP
Tidak Termasuk Skop Pembekalan :
- Pembukaan tangki yang sedia ada
- Keselamatan barang di tapak
- Memunggah dan menaikkan barang di tapak
- Air untuk ujian kebocoran selepas pemasangan (disediakan oleh pelanggan)
- Membuang serpihan & sampah
- Kerja paip, injap, injap bebola
- Alas Konkrit di tapak
Sila hubungi kami melalui e-mel ( atau WhatsApp (+60126257219) mengenai projek. Maklumat yang diperlukan untuk pencadangan saiz dan kapasiti yang betul:-
- Jangkaan kapasiti simpanan air (contoh, 30m3)
- Ketinggian maksimum (jika ketinggian terhad di bawah tanah)
- Penetapan kawasan