Drawing & PE Calculation & Product Approval & SIRIM LICENSING
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Syarikat kami adalah pengeluar produk pembetungan yang menawarkan perkhidmatan perundingan berkenaan kelulusan sistem pembetungan bagi tangki septik individu (IST) serta Sistem Rawatan Kumbahan Kecil (SSTS).Perkhidmatan ini termasuk membantu Jurutera Perunding, kontraktor & pemilik individu dalam menyediakan dan mengemukakan dokumen yang berkaitan pembinaan sistem pembetungan kepada Agensi Perakuan Negeri Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd. bagi tujuan kelulusan. Dokumen yang disediakan termasuk pelan perincian IST yang akan mematuhi garis panduan yang ditetapkan oleh SPAN melalui permohonan SWAT (Sewerage Works Approval Transformation) :
1) Sewerage Works Approval (SWA) - Kombinasi PDC 1,2 & 6
2) Sewerage Works Completion (SWC)- Kombinasi PDC 7, 8 & 9
Sila hubungi kami / +60331343888 Whatsapp +60126257219 bagi mendapatkan lukisan serahan terperinci (Percuma) dan penerangan lanjut berhubung produk kami
Frequently Ask Question (FAQ) : Soalan Lazim
1) What is PE(Population Equivalent) for SEPTIC TANK ?
2) Apakah maksud istilah 'PE' yang digunakan bagi tangki septik?
A septic tank is also know as biofilter wastewater treatment tank. “PE” are common know as Population Equivalent (PE) or Unit per capita loading, or equivalent person (EP) in a civil engineering or waste water engineering terminology. Population Equivalent is define as parameter for characterizing industrial wastewaters. It essentially compare the polluting potential of an industry (in terms of biodegradable organic matter) with a population (or certain number of people), which would produce the same polluting load. PE is the number expressing the ration of the sum of the pollution load produced during 24 hours by industrial facilities and services to the individual pollution load in household sewage produce by one person in the same time.
A simple equation to calculate PE from iudustrial wastewater base on 60 grams of BOD per person per day. A common definition used in Malaysia is : 1 P.E. equates to 60 grams of BOD per person per day. It equals to 200 liters of sewage per day.
PE = BOD load from industry/house hold ( kg/day) / 0.060 ( kg/(inhab X day)
2) How Do I Calculate the size of my septic tank ?
2) Bagaimana Saya Mengira saiz tangki septik saya?
2) How Do I propose/determine the suitable model of my septic tank?
2) Bagaimana untuk menentukan model tangki septik yang sesuai?
From a manufacturer point of view, normally the calculation for each housing or factory development shall be done by Civil & structure consultant. It better to go through professional consultant for more accurate advices. All enquiries will be reconfirm from a C&S concultant.
However, the follow is just a simple calculation for Bio-filter sewage tank (septic Tank up-to 30PE) & individual Septic Tank (IST) from 40 PE to 150PE in a single development
Project Development from 8PE to 30PE
For a single house hold or development : 5 PE
regardless of build up area
Eg. A single development with 5 house , 5 house x 5 PE = 25
Thresold each development shall not exceed 30PE.
For a factory, depends factory workers : standard calculation 0.3per workers
For factory office base on build-up area , 0.03 PE per meter square meter
Eg. 100 workers x 0.3 = 30PE
Office Build up 500 sqm = 500 sqm x 0.03 PE = 15PE
Total PE = 45 PE
Thresold shall not exceed 150PE
3) What is the minimum Capacity of a Septic Tank ?
3) Berapakah kapasiti minimum bagi tangki septik?
Bio-Filter Sewage Treatment Tank or Septic Tank cater from 6 PE to 30PE
Individual Septic Tank ( IST ) Mechanical Septic Tank ( MST ) from 40pe to 150PE
4) How do you size a wastewater treatment plant ?
Mui Fatt only fabricate up to 150 PE individual septic tank ( IST )